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Learning and unlearning in covidian times – by Morina Lanser

By August 11, 2020November 1st, 2023No Comments

There is a pattern of how we navigate our lives through this pandemic. Early March, when the first outbreaks began, we were like that deer that crosses the street at night and stares into the headlight of a speeding car. We looked in disbelief (no, this pandemic won’t hit us) we froze, and we got hit real bad

We slowly recovered from this hit and realized that the pandemic is real, and that its consequences were even more real. At Sigi, safety and compliance are the most important things that guide us in moving forward. All prospects and opportunities that result in the gathering of people were off the table and we had to find other ways to keep the torch burning. Now more than ever, learning and trying new things have become a necessity, and not a privilege 

Learning something new in pandemic times is like learning to perfect your swim in the middle of a flood. In order to keep on swimming, we have to let go and  unlearn the old and familiar ways. One of our fortes is our network and offline rapport with local government, communities and CSO’s, but we had to let go of this tried and tested success formula in order to navigate our way further into the new normal.

Learning and unlearning is something we do at Sigi, not just professionally, but also personally. Our bubbly yet strict founder Morina Lanser has found an outlet for her (event) organizing needs during the lockdown by learning the art of reorganizing her busy home and sharing her journey through IG

What new skills have you learning during this pandemic?

I have learned to Marie Kondo my household and it has been a revelation. I am a mother of four children, and two of them are college goers who still live in our house. During the stay at home period I started to clean more and I realized how much stuff we had. I was immediately attracted to Marie Kondo and her art of decluttering. I did not just learn more about managing my belongings, I also learned to appreciate having less belongings.

And what have you unlearned?

I unlearned the need to have and buy things for frivolous reasons. We all have had that urge to possess an item simply because it is cute, or because it is on a discount and we may need it one day. I have taught myself to undo that habit by prioritizing the thought whether I actually need this particular item. Most of the time, I don’t.   

Next in our learning and unlearning section we will highlight the activities of our director and newborn mother Femilia. Should you want to know more about organizing and decluttering your home, follow @ideberes on IG or contact Morina for some ‘letting go’ advise.